Pseudo-3d javascriptObject

This article is out of date. Check out the script here. And a recent tutorial here.

There are many ways to get a pseudo-3d object online. I’ve written about a way to do it with flash. Next up is a java-object. Written by Finn Rudolph, this object has less options than the object2VR program which makes it a bit easier to implement. It’s a very clean way to get 3d-stuff online though, and there are no fees for non-commercial sites. So no watermarks this time!

Volt table Reinier de Jong
This instance of the object uses all frames of the spherical render

Different naming

I’m liking this thing a lot and I’ve adjusted my own object2VR script to accommodate for the naming conventions used by this java-object. Still the ordering of the frames occurs slightly different. I’ve also updated my script to perform the correct transformations. These are different than the ones used in the object2VR script.  Please keep in mind that  this object expects an equal amount of columns and rows. You need to render them all. After that you can specify which items you want to show in the object. For more info on the javaobject, please see Finn Rudolphs site. Notice that he has created scripts for sketchup, cinema4D and vvvv to make the sequence of rendered frames.

So theObject2VR script has been updated to support the different transformation-scheme for the javascriptObject. There’s a separate group with buttons for the javaScriptObject. When renaming, please use the built-in pattern for the javaScriptObject and use the renaming-button for the javaScriptObject.
Within the xhtml-code for the javaScriptObject, you need to switch on the “inverseY” option.

Extra options have been added to the object2VR script

Volt table Reinier de Jong
With the inverseY option and only half of the rows used, you van display a hemisphere. That’s handy if there’s a groundplane, or if you don’t want to show the underside of an object.


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2010-11-23 at 02:30

3D with zoom –

2011-04-12 at 12:15

This is great script, but how can it chage it to use a vray camera?

2011-04-12 at 13:25

wondering. how come the camera is always too close to the object????

2011-04-12 at 19:23

Hey Marco,
the script uses a standard camera. If you want to use another camera, you can align and link that camera to the animated camera from the script. If you want to use a larger radius for the animated camera, you can adjust the radius-parameter in the script. The default is 200 but you can set it to any other value.

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