Renderitis documentation: permissions

Renderitis documentation

Renderitis has been designed to be used for individuals and in studios with multiple users. This gives you the possibility to use a single preset within a team. Sharing rendersettings is pretty easy when renderitis has been setup correctly. By default the script works fine for either individuals or teams, but you can streamline the script for teams even more. This is done by setting permissions for specific users. There are three roles: manager, art director and user. Each role gives access to specific parts of the script.

  • Manager: full access, create new preset-files, manage permissions
  • Art director: create and load new preset-files, create, edit and remove presets
  • User: apply presets and settings.

Setting permissions is done based on username. This is by no means meant to be a watertight and secure system. It’s just a way to make sure the right people can mess with the presets.

Adding permissions

You can only add or edit permissions if you have the manager role. Renderitis by default has no permissions set. This means that it accepts any user as manager. It’s sensible to set at least one user as manager before you create any other permission. If you somehow lose access to some functions you can edit the xml-file to alter the permissions. If there’s at least one permission stored, any other user is considered to have a user-role.

Use permissions to streamline working in a studio

It’s a good idea to give at least one user the manager-role

Now the manager role is locked to user klaas

Add more permissions

Studio setup

A studio setup normally has a manager and an art director. The manager can create preset-files and setup permissions. This is more of a technical role. The art director can create and edit presets. This role focuses on the quality of the rendersettings. Any other user has a user-role. The user-role can browse and apply presets, but not edit them.

A studio setup uses a manager and an art director

Remove users and permissions if needed.


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